We are a family of individuals that have found hope in Jesus and we want as many people as possible to experience that same freedom! We offer two Sunday services: 9:00 AM and 10:30 AM.
We don't care how you're dressed or what candidate you voted for. Our church is made up of imperfect people with every kind of story imaginable. We are a vibrant body of believers who delight in worshipping our Lord Jesus Christ, who strive to become like Him, and who delight in telling others about Him and His free gift of eternal life. If you have questions, the Bible has answers, and we can help you discover them. Whether you have never been to church, you’ve been hundreds of times, or you are returning from a long absence, we invite you to walk with us as we walk with Jesus.
“Knowing and Believing the Essentials of Our Faith”
Whether it’s salvation, baptism, serving, or leading, we all have next steps! Take yours today.